Monday, August 9, 2010

My Canadian Fixations

I’ve been wondrin’ why people in the entertainment world have such a huge impact on me.well only a few and meticulously selected ones that are to be considered rarities in the phony business.
I followed alanis morissette’s career and works from 1995 to her latter less known but better works mornings were not complete if i dont visit fanpages for updates and photos. I’ve been trying to kick the habit for more than a decade.i finally did! But with an immediate replacement.i think its inevitable for me to look up to personalities with extraordinary bearings. They somehow become my role models,not because i don’t have tangible role models, but because i live in a modern world where the netty net is so much a part of me.
A TV series with the banter i liked came on, i initially liked the character of Kate Beckett, a strong willed, independent, brainy and sassy detective who possesses the strength of character a subtle feminist like i am would love. The role was played by Stana Katic, and what is a role without a great actor right? Stana Katic soon captured my attention,an unusual thing since she’s an actress in a tv series,not much creative input as say a songwriter like alanis.i looked her up and found out that this outstanding actress is multilingual, a wide reader and counts archaeology and sciences as her life interests.
 Her face may be reason enough to like her, but I'm not one to follow someone without the merits of what's between their ears. It it we're the case, I will probably be as crazy about Emily Deschanel, Camilla Belle, Steven Strait or Taylor Lautner. But none of them finished high school at the top 10 of 700 nor have 4 page interviews talking sense about history, culture, arts and stuff that average celebrities would freeze up on answering. It's just one of the reasons but it's one thing the drew me to her. 
Stana as interviewers and fans like myself have observed, is a rarity in hollywood.she has the brains to match the beauty.she is also quirky and thing i’m most fascinated with about her is the fact that she’s an excellent actor who’s been in the business for a decade and have not hit the hollywood A mark,this tells me she didn’t sleep her way through her projects. she has that kind of integrity that’s earned the respect of showbiz insiders and fellow actors.there’s not a photo of her half naked online which is unusual for a one time model and actress with obviously near perfect physical attributes.And one thing i find adorable about stana as with alanis ,is the shyness they inevitably show in big hollywood events.they are all about their craft and less about the cloud.all in all, they are a breeze and i am forever gonna be a shameless fan. 

I started wriring this w stana in mind,but i guess part of loving her is the resemblance with alanis. Go Canada!

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